How To Make An Amazing Instagram Video About Double Glazing Window Lock Repair

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How To Make An Amazing Instagram Video About Double Glazing Window Lock Repair

Double Glazing Window Lock Repair

Double-glazed windows are energy-efficient and offer peace of mind all year long. But problems can occur.

If a window is difficult to open, this can leak valuable heat and cold from your home. This can also weaken the security of your home. This is usually a simple fix. Continue reading to find out more about how to repair upvc locks.


If you notice that your uPVC window handles are spongy or have difficulty locking, it may be due to a the lack of lubrication. When you keep your doors and windows open for long periods, dust and grit build up and wear out the mechanism of your handle. The handle will then become difficult to turn, requiring you to apply more pressure to open or lock your window. This process continues until the lock mechanism or handle eventually fail.

If this happens to you, it's worth calling the company you purchased from. They typically offer a warranty lasting up to 10 years and will cover the cost of replacing hardware. You can also fix the issue by lubricating hinges and locks using silicone spray. This is a simple job that will take only about a minute and is only required once per year to ensure that your windows are in good condition.

This is particularly important if you live near an intersection, as dust and grit can cause damage to the hinges over time. To accomplish this, open your window wide. Then make use of a screwdriver in order to loosen the screws on the left hand side of the frame. Once loosened, move the handle slightly away from the frame. If you feel that the sash is starting to rub against the frame then loosen the screw on the side that is rubbing to help it along. Repeat this procedure on the opposite side of the frame. If needed, move the handle slightly upwards.

There should be an unfinished gap of around 1 4 inch between the sash and the frame. This will allow the window close and seal properly, preventing unwanted drafts from entering your home and reducing the cost of energy. A door or window that is drafty can also weaken the security of your home and place you at a greater risk of burglary. A double-glazed window that won't shut correctly also allows valuable heat to escape, which can cause condensation and dampness in your home.


Double-glazed windows can help you save money on energy and increase the security of your home. But like any other piece of equipment, they can be damaged and require repair or replacement. This is why it's so important to have a trusted professional to carry out the work. Checkatrade can help by connecting you with local tradespeople who have been thoroughly vetted and assessed for their high quality of work. It's best to hire an accredited professional, since they will be protected by insurance in the event of any damage occurs during the work.

If you're looking for a FENSA-certified double glazing installer near you, simply type your postcode into our search tool and we'll connect you to reputable businesses. You can also visit the website of a company that is FENSA-approved and contact them directly to discuss your needs. You can also learn about the services they offer and any special offers available to you.

Over time, the window seal may crack or deteriorate which can lead to air and moisture leaking between the two panes of glass. This can cause misting, or a 'cloudy' appearance in the middle of the window unit. The sealant has deteriorated and is fixable by replacing the glass.

A cracked double pane can cause a lot of trouble for your home, and you'll have to fix it as soon as you can. This is usually a simple task for a double-glazing technician or joiner with years of experience. In some instances you may be able to finish the work yourself.

Double Glazed Windows that don't shut properly could create drafts, allow valuable heat to escape, and weaken your home's security measures. If left unattended, they may cause water damage or damp. If  double glazing repairs  experiencing issues with your uPVC double-glazed windows, contact a specialist double-glazing expert as soon as possible. This will ensure that the problem doesn't get worse, and you will save money in the long run.


It can be quite a shock to observe condensation on the outside of windows However, this isn't an indication that double glazing isn’t working properly. It's an everyday occurrence that is actually a good thing since it indicates that your home is well ventilated and able to retain the heat. This is more prevalent early in the morning or late in the evening, when temperatures are lower and there is less air.

If condensation develops between glass panes, it is a much more serious issue. It could mean that the window seal has failed. This is because the seal is no longer able to hold the gas that is used to insulate the window panes, which means the moisture is trapped and causes condensation. You'll need to contact the company who installed your double glazing. They're likely to be covered by warranty. It is not advised to tamper or repair the units yourself since this could invalidate your warranty.

This problem can only be fixed by getting rid of the sealed unit and replacing it with a brand new one. This is a task that must always be carried out by a professional since you'll need to make sure that the new sealed unit is fitted perfectly and there aren't any gaps or leaks.

It is sometimes difficult to detect the gap in your windows made of uPVC. Most of the time, you'll only be aware of it when you attempt to close the door or window. If you can fit an article of paper easily into the gap, this could be due to a misalignment of hinges or a damaged one. This could mean that your window is in need of replacement.

Glass Unit Replacement

Over time, double-glazed windows may become stiff and the handles can fail to open. They can also form a layer of condensation between the glass panes, which can cause drafty conditions within your home. While it is tempting to replace the entire window, it can be expensive and time-consuming.

The good news is that a few easy steps can help you repair your double-glazed windows and restore their function and aesthetic. To do this, you'll need a few tools.

You'll require a pry bar to grip the frame and take it from the sill. Then, using a hacksaw or utility knife, cut through the sealant that holds the IGU in position. Depending on the age of your windows, they may be secured by an insulated block (Photos 3 and 4) which is caulked and very difficult to cut. In these situations it's recommended to call in a pro.

After you have removed the old window, insert the replacement by cutting off the gasket before moving on to the next section. Use silicone sealant to create a water- and airtight seal between your new window and frames.

Then the last step is to put the handle in place and attach any caps made of plastic that you had on your screws. If you're not comfortable handling broken glass, it's recommended that you seek out a professional for this step. This will keep you safer and reduce the risk of injury when working with broken glasses.

Double glazed sealed units are designed to last for a period of up to 35 years, but over time, they may face a variety of problems. These can be a loss of energy efficiency, the build-up of condensation between the glass, as well as cracks or chips in the glass. The window seal might have broken or blown. This can be detected by streaking, fogging and condensation between the glass panes. The sealant can be replaced to fix blown windows. This is a cheaper alternative to buying and installing new double glazing windows.